Scarlett Victoria

Hello! It’s been way too long since we’ve writen a blog post. I am finally typing out Scarlett’s birth story before I forget all the details, and I also wanted to talk a little about my pregnancy and postpartum journey. I’m sharing some of my favorite breastfeeding products at the end of this post, as well as some postpartum progress photos, too!

Scarlett’s pregnancy was pretty similar to Cal’s in that I felt pretty good for most of it. I definitely felt more exhausted with her pregnancy, and I contribute that to also chasing and carrying around a 3-year-old this time around. I ended up gaining just over 40 pounds this time! I was so determined to keep the weight gain to around 25 pounds, and I was actually feeling cute and super proud of myself up until about 20 weeks. But after I hit 25 weeks that goal started seeming more and more unrealistic and I just fell completely off the wagon, haha. By 32 weeks I was living strictly in lulu align leggings and sweatpants. Yikes!

Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett

Scarlett’s delivery happened fast. Bear with me as I share the details - I know this is way too much info, but I want to remember the morning of her delivery and weeks leading up to it exactly how they happened! 

At 35 weeks I was already dilated to a 2, and 80% effaced, so I was super hopeful that she’d come early like Cal did! But sadly, at my 37 week appointment not much had changed. My doctor “stripped my membranes,” and then again at 38 weeks. I was scheduled to be induced at 39 weeks, which fell on a Friday, and since my doctor doesn’t do inductions on Friday’s, I had to schedule it for the following Monday. He had me come back one more time on Thursday, the day before I turned 39 weeks, and said he’d try to strip me one more time to try to put me into labor before the weekend. He even said he tried to break my water at that appointment?! I thought that was weird but I guess he was just trying to get things moving so I didn’t have to wait until Monday! After that appointment, he said he wouldn’t be surprised if my water broke in the next hour!! I was shocked (and also sore after how aggressive he was trying to get things going - sorry, TMI).  Well, that didn’t happen, BUT my water did end up breaking two days later! 

On Saturday morning, May 16, Dan and I were having a lazy morning in bed. Daniel had gotten Cal out of his crib and brought him into bed with us around 7:30, and we snuggled together watching segments of some of Cal’s favorite movies we had recorded on the TV. At around 8:30, as I was readjusting to get comfortable (which, as anyone who’s ever been pregnant knows, takes a lot of effort when you’re 39 weeks pregnant), I felt a sudden gush of water! It wasn’t a ton and and I remember lifting my pelvis up and saying, “oh my gosh, what the heck?” I thought maybe I had peed my pants a little! Daniel asked if my water broke and I honestly had no idea because it was enough to get my underwear wet, but didn’t soak through to the sheets. Anyways, I got up to go to the bathroom and called Sidney to tell her what happened. She suggested just calling the hospital to ask what I should do, since I was still 50/50 on whether my water had broken or I’d peed my pants, haha.

The hospital nurse told me to come in ASAP, even if I wasn’t sure. But then I called my doctors office, and the on call nurse told me to wait a while and see if fluid kept trickling out, and only to go in if it was enough to soak through a panty liner?! I was so confused and didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want to over react, and go to the hospital, only to find out I HAD just peed my pants! Lol. 

I ended up showering, washing and blow drying my hair, and painting my nails before deciding I was still feeling enough fluid “trickling” to head in to the hospital. I also got one more slow dance in with Cal to Toy Story’s “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” (a favorite ritual of ours and something he begs for almost daily) while he was still my only child. It was such a sweet couple of minutes with him and I started getting emotional thinking about his world being flipped upside down the next time I saw him.

We said a big emotional goodbye to Cal and left him with Sidney, then headed to the hospital! 

Salty Blondes | Scarlett

We got right into a room and the nurse checked me. I was still only 3 cm dilated. She couldn’t tell if my water was broken or not, so she ended up having to go in with a speculum and collect a sample of the water to see if it was amniotic fluid. So fun, right? When she came back to tell us that it was, we knew for sure my water had broken and it was go time. 


I got my dreaded COVID test done (awful) and then my doctor had the nurse start me on a low dose of pitocin to get the contractions going. I got to the hospital around noon, and by this time it was around 2pm. Side note, my doctor was not on call that day, but because he stripped my membranes on Thursday, he made a note on my chart that he would come in if I went into labor over the weekend. Sooo nice of him!

The pitocin started kicking in and by 4pm I was starting to feel the contractions pretty bad. Sidney had done a natural labor just two and a half weeks earlier, and although I’d always been a pro epidural type of laborer, Sidney had inspired me to at least try to feel the contractions for as long as I could. When the pain started getting pretty bad, the nurse came in and checked me and I was still only a 5!! I called Sid and told her I didn’t think I’d make it much longer. She tried giving me some encouragement, but since I hadn’t prepared at all for natural labor and didn’t know any of the breathing techniques or counter pressures, different positions, etc., I wasn’t able to relax at all and was just in SO much pain. Like, I’m not a swearer, but I was quietly cursing to Daniel, and kept saying things like, “I swear I am not being dramatic, this FREAKING HURTS.”
I went on like this for another hour, but then told my nurse it was too much and I needed the epidural. I thought for sure that since I was only 5 cm dilated just an hour earlier, I still had hours to go and I just couldn’t keep going like that. Daniel was being so sweet and encouraging and was trying to help me with the pain (Sidney and her husband were sending him videos of THEM acting out what he could do to help me, haha), but nothing was working. I told the nurse I wanted the epidural and the anesthesiologist came right away.

He gave me the epidural (yessss), and it kicked in pretty quickly on my left side (the side he had me lay on after I got it), but I was still feeling total pain on my right! Nothing was numb on my right side and I started to PANIC from being in so much pain with each contraction. 

The nurse decided to check me again at that point and, to all of our surprise, I was at a 10 and ready to push!!! WHAT?! She called my doctor (who was at his HOUSE), and told him to come ASAP because I was ready!

I was starting to feel pressure, but wasn’t really in pain “down there.” I was still feeling those sharp pains on the right side of my lower abdomen, but I slowly started to feel everything start to numb up.

Daniel was right up in on the action, holding my leg. With Cal I really didn’t want him anywhere within view of what was going on down there. But with Scar it all happened too fast for me to even care. So much so that I didn’t even realize he was filming and got Scarlett COMING OUT ON VIDEO! As horrified as I was when he first told me this, and after I watched it back for the first time, now I actually think it’s kind of amazing and am glad we have it.

Once my doctor arrived I pushed for five minutes and she was here!! She was born at 5:30pm on May 16, and weighed 8 lbs 1 oz - healthy and perfect! 

Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett

We spent 24 precious hours in the hospital, just her, me, and Daniel. I’m actually grateful for that time we got with just us three (thank you Coronavirus). It wasn’t hectic. It was peaceful and felt like we had a little piece of heaven right there in our arms. I felt close to my mom knowing Scarlett was too.

Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett

I got to nurse her right away in the hospital and she’s been such a good eater. Nursing has been something I’ve come to love and I am so so grateful it’s been going well. I credit our success to the Taking Cara Babies guides, and to Sidney’s diligence in nursing Tori and not giving up despite all the hiccups they’ve faced (I’ve been bugging Sidney to share her birth story too, by the way). I very well may have given up on nursing if it weren’t for Sid. It’s been amazing having our girls so close together. It makes slipping away to nurse when we’re with people or in public way more fun!

Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett

A couple of things that have been SO helpful with nursing are:

  1. This Dr. Brown’s silicone breast pump. I use it every single time I breastfeed, and have a freezer full of milk JUST from using this! I suction it on the side I’m not nursing on, and pull my bra up over the bottom of it so that it doesn’t fall off if it gets bumped. I whole heartedly believe this little pump is what has kept my milk supply up!

  2. Breast pads. I wear these at night because I’m usually leaking in the mornings! The Dr. Brown’s brand stay in place the best and are the most comfortable (other brands have felt itchy in my bra).

  3. These Dr Brown’s Rachel’s Remedy Breast Relief Pads. When my milk came in these were honestly the only thing that gave me any kind of relief. They felt amazing on my sore breasts! You microwave the flaxseed pillow insert and stick them on when you’re engorged. They can help unclog milk ducts and can increase milk supply!

  4. This video teaching how to get a good latch every time. I had no idea what I was doing, and watching this video before I delivered was so helpful!

  5. Taking Sunflower Lecithin to optimize milk flow and supply.

Salty Blondes | Scarlett
Salty Blondes | Scarlett

Scarlett is almost three months old now (looking back at her newborn photos and I am crying because of how much bigger she’s gotten so quickly), and I am just starting to feel like I’m getting a handle on two kids. Scarlett’s delivery and hospital stay was such a night and day different experience compared to Cal’s. Having a newborn is never easy, but taking care of her does feel much simpler than it’s ever been for Cal (even currently)! I am grateful for both experiences, and have learned a ton from both.

Cal wasn’t super interested in his sis when we first brought her home. But now he has really taken on his role of big brother and is sooo sweet with her. He begs to hold her all the time, pats her softly, and gives her kisses without being prompted. I am so so proud of him!

Salty Blondes | Scarlett

I still haven’t found any time to work out or start getting “back in shape,” other than a couple little hikes and some casual tennis matches with family and friends. I’ve lost about 25-30 pounds and still have 10-15 to go! I know talking about weight these days is frowned upon, but I personally like seeing progress photos, so here are some pictures showing my journey from the day before Scar was born until now(ish). I had my nurse help me put on this belly band as soon as my doctor was done stitching and cleaning me up after my delivery, and I do feel like it helped my tummy start to go back quicker.

Salty Blondes | Scarlett

I am feeling good, in general. Scarlett has been such a good baby and sleeps 10-11 hours at night usually (BLESSED!). I love being a mom and feel like the luckiest with my two sweet kiddos ♡

Little Blessings

Sid and I (Regan) finally shared the news about our two little babies on the way!

Salty Blondes | Little Blessings

It’s been a super emotional past few months for our family, as many of you know and can imagine, but the news of welcoming two new little blessings so close together, has definitely brought lots of smiles and joy and gratitude into the situation. Sid and I couldn’t be happier about being able to go through this stage together, and about our little babies being so close in age (our due dates are less than a month apart!).

I wanted to share a little bit about how we both found out we were pregnant and the backstories behind it.

Salty Blondes | Little Blessings

My pregnancy process actually started almost two years ago. Some of you probably remember me sharing my IVF journey when we did my egg retrieval and froze our embryos a year after Cal was born.

Well, we finally decided we were ready to try for baby number two, and planned on starting the frozen embryo transfer process this past summer of 2019.

When my mom got sick I wasn’t sure if I should put the transfer on hold, since I knew I’d want to be down in California visiting her a bunch. My mom and I had a really close relationship, and spoke on the phone every single day, if not multiple times per day. I ran almost everything I did by her, and always wanted her opinion on everything (I still do, and still ask for help even now that she’s gone). She, of course, didn’t want anyone to put anything on hold on account of her, and convinced me that it was the perfect time to do the transfer, and that we should move forward with it.

We had our frozen transfer scheduled for September 3rd, and I started the medication (the dreaded shots in my bum) on August 13th, 3 days before my mom passed away.

Up until the day I started the meds, I was still so torn as to whether I should go through with the transfer or not. My parents were in China for cancer treatments for my mom, and I had gotten a Visa to visit so that I had the option to go and be with my mom if needed. My parents kept convincing me that I should go forward with the transfer, and my doctor and IVF coordinator were so sweet and understanding, and told me that even after I started the meds, I could still stop for any reason and push back the transfer date.

Long story short, I went through with it. When we got the news of my mom passing away, I was an emotional mess, needless to say, and I don’t think the extra hormones I was taking for the transfer helped. I kept taking the shots (Sidney and my husband, Daniel, were my nurses who gave me most of them! So grateful for them), because I didn’t want to make any rash decisions, and because I knew my mom would still want me to move forward with the transfer. Still though, I wasn’t sure if I might end up stopping and pushing back the transfer date. We were in the middle of figuring out how we wanted to celebrate the amazing life of my mom (she didn’t want a funeral) and I didn’t know how I’d work it all out, and also if the added stress would be good timing for the possible pregnancy.

Then about a week later…Sid found out she was pregnant!!!

Salty Blondes | Little Blessings

This was a huge surprise to all of us, including Sidney and her husband, Morgan. A good one though! Although very emotional and heart-wrenching that our mom wasn’t here for it. But we knew she was there in spirit, and how happy she must have been, and we were all so thrilled for Sidney and Morgan!!

The cool part of Sid’s story is that our mom had been encouraging her to start their family over the last year or so. She’d remind Sid of the importance of being a mother and starting families, and that nothing should put that on hold. Sid knew it too, and although they weren’t trying to get pregnant, she also felt like it would be fine if it happened.

Well, Tori always gets her way, as we always joke! It felt like our mom definitely had her hand in how this all played out, and we were/are so happy and grateful!

It was actually such a cute and emotional morning the day she found out. Our grandma, mum (our mom’s mom), was here in Utah so that we could all be together after we got the news of our mom passing away. She randomly asked Sidney a few times if she was pregnant! She said something about her looking pregnant - that she had that pregnancy glow. Sidney didn’t think at ALL that she could be pregnant, but happened to have a pregnancy test leftover from a film shoot she did (she is a cinematographer), and decided to take it one morning. Sidney and Morgan live in our basement apartment (so fun, btw), and the rest of us were all upstairs while Sidney was down in her apartment showering. The door to the basement was open, and we suddenly started hearing Sidney urgently yelling for Morgan to come downstairs. He wouldn’t tell us what was up, but I, being the nosey sister that I am, ran downstairs after and she told me the awesome news. We both cried and I videoed as she came upstairs to tell my dad and the rest of our family who were at the house. There were more tears of happiness and many more smiles and phone calls made. Such a tender moment.

Salty Blondes | Little Blessings

As soon as Sid found out she was pregnant, that confirmed my decision to move forward with my frozen transfer date of September 3rd. We talked about how fun it would be to have cousins so close in age, and the timing worked out perfectly with my mom’s celebration of life, which was held on September 9th.

Salty Blondes | Little Blessings

^^^ there’s our little embryo right after the transfer!

We found out it took on September 13th. I was sooo nervous to find out, and pretty much stressed my entire first trimester about everything being okay. To be honest, I still worry, and I think I will until I feel our little babe moving around more. I think I’ve felt some little movements already, but am still in that stage where I’m not really sure if the little flutters I’m feeling is the baby or not. Lol.

When I finally made it to 10 weeks and graduated from my fertility center, and had heard the little heartbeat multiple times, I was ready to find out the gender.

Since we did genetic testing on the embryos, we actually had the opportunity to choose the gender if we wanted! But we decided not to, and just asked my doctor and the lab to choose the healthiest looking embryo, and not to tell us the gender. I also prayed that my mom would be able to come and have her hand in choosing whichever little embryo was meant to come join our family.

Sid was 14 weeks by then, and I really wanted to find out the genders together! I had my nurse write down our baby’s gender in an envelope, and gave it to Paige. Sid went over to Fetal Photo that same day and was told her gender. So she and Paige both knew what she was having, but no one else did, and only Paige knew what mine was. That night we did a little gender reveal for our family and it was such an exciting night!!! Here’s the video.

TWO GIRLS!! Sid is currently 20 weeks, due April 26th, and I am 16 weeks, due May 22nd. We couldn’t be more excited! The thought of our little girls wrapped up in our mom’s arms, waiting to come join our family is everything! She left us kids the most amazing note before she passed away, knowing she might be leaving us and in it she said, “I’ll also be spending lots of time with my unborn grand children and telling them how lucky they are to be born into our awesome family.” We know that’s exactly what she’s doing and that brings us so much happiness.

10 Tips for Surviving the Newborn Stage + Nursery Reveal

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

Paige here! Holy cow, it’s been a while! Regan has basically taken over the blog because I have been doing pretty much what I titled this blog post until very recently…surviving! I actually felt so guilty for a while because I saw all the cute insta moms swooning over their new babies and telling them to “stay little” and “stop growing” while I was over here counting the days until West was old enough to sleep train.

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

Now looking back at these newborn photos it makes me a little sad that I couldn’t enjoy it more because he just looks so precious! BUT, not going to lie I do MUCH better once my babies get a little sturdier/less fragile and can start to get on a schedule. West is two and a half months now and starting to get super sweet and smiley, doing pretty good with his schedule, and I’m overall in a much better headspace! (I’m sure my hormones evening out is a big part of it too).

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

Besides the natural hormone fluctuations after pregnancy, there were a few other things that made the newborn stage particularly hard for me this time around. West had his days/nights confused and had colic pretty bad for a few weeks. I do NOT do well with a screaming baby. It literally puts me in fight or flight mode and I feel like I need to fix it immediately even when there’s nothing I can do. Obviously I also have a toddler this time around which totally changes the game. MJ loves West and can be so sweet to him, but he also gets SO aggressive with him it’s terrifying. I have to to have my eyes on him 24/7. One time I left them both on the bed just for a second to grab something from the bathroom, and came back in to MJ jumping OVER West and barely making it! The picture below basically sums up MJ’s constant mood towards poor Westie haha. Lastly, as most of you know from instagram we found out my mom’s cancer came back at stage four shortly after West was born. As you can imagine, finding out that news combined with crazy hormones, no sleep, and a brand new baby is not the best combination!

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

ANYWAYS, enough of the hard stuff. If you’re a new mom reading this with similar struggles, I promise it does get better! I basically got to the point where I was like OK, I’ve got to take action and do SOMETHING to help me feel more sane here. A few weeks in I started feverishly researching, bought a new book that helped tremendously (more on that below), and got West on a ALL the colic supplements safe for newborns. I wish I could tell you one magic thing that worked to fix all the sleep and colic problems, but I think it was a combination of many! Below are my top ten tips that have saved me!

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes
  1. Moms On Call: I heard about their book from friends and decided to buy it when I got desperate. I didn’t think I’d need one this time around since I read a few with MJ and thought I had things figured out, but I’m so happy I got this one! They have the best tips and I love being able to have a schedule to *try to follow. They are also VERY straight to the point (the book is basically all bullet points) which I loved. Who has time for reading?!

  2. Supplements: I wish I could tell you one magic supplement that worked wonders for colic, but I am not patient and basically tried all of them at once and one or all of them worked. Not sure which one, haha, so I just kept using them all! I use Gerber soothe probiotic drops every night, simethicone drops after almost every feeding, and gripe water whenever West starts to get really fussy. I’ll link them all at the end of this post!

  3. Have Husband do Last Feeding: If at all possible, have your significant other do the last feeding so you can go bed early and get at least one longer stretch of sleep in!

  4. Pump then Feed: I actually wish this wasn't the case, but it’s easier for me to just pump and give West a bottle right now. I know this isn’t the case for everyone, but for me it’s either he’s CONSTANTLY attached to the boob, or takes a bottle in a fraction of the time. I’ll try breastfeeding again when he’s a little older, but for now he can’t stay awake at the boob!

  5. Don’t Change at Night: Sorry little guy, but momma’s got to sleep! I started doing the absolute bare minimum when West would wake up at night, and that includes no longer changing him until the morning! (Unless he has a VERY bad and obvious dirty diaper). I just load him up with diaper rash cream AND natural baby powder before bedtime.

  6. Accept Help: People are going to offer to help you with a new baby. Take it! Obviously it’s easier to accept from people you’re related and close to, but take it where you can get it and don’t feel bad about it!

  7. Move to Their OWN Room: After the first couple of weeks, move them to their own room with the door closed and a sound machine on. This is one of the tips from Moms On Call, but it was huge for me so I gave it it’s own spot :) It may sound sad, but you just don’t hear them as much! It was absolutely necessary for me with West waking up almost every 15 minutes sometimes. When they’re right next to you, you wake up to every grunt and whine, even when sometimes they can put themselves back to sleep! This way, you only wake up when they’re really awake and crying. THB though, I don’t think I could have done this as early without the owlet camera and sock! (Shown below). I love being able to check in on him from my phone and make sure he has safe oxygen levels and heart rate!

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

8. Hands Free Pumping Bra: I didn’t have one of these with MJ, and it’s a game changer! It turns pumping into more of a break, where you can be on your phone or watch part of a show, than a chore. I’ll link this one I use at the bottom of this post. It’s cute and super cheap!

9. Take the time for skin to skin: For me, this just bonded me with both of my babies. There’s no better feeling than a newborn baby laying on your chest! With West it was harder because after nursing/feeding I’d feel like I’d have to get up because there was so much to do, but taking at least a little bit of time each day for skin to skin helped me bond and feel so much love for him!

10. Don’t Let Guilt Get To You: This is still so hard for me. But I’m working on it! You’re just not going to be able to get as much done as you used to for a while, and that’s ok! I would (and still do sometimes) feel so guilty about not spending as much time with MJ, getting chores done, doing nothing on our blog etc. I just have to keep reminding myself that I’m doing the best I can, and that my number one priority is keeping my kids and myself alive and healthy!

Surviving the Newborn Stage | Salty Blondes

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Surviving the New born Stage | Salty Blondes
baby boy nursery | Salty Blondes

Bath Time with Dr. Brown's

It's been so fun to see our boys (Cal + MJ) start to play and interact with each other a little more! When Cal was first born, MJ wasn't too sure about him (or maybe it was the idea of sharing his grandparents and aunts + uncles with another baby - he was the only grandchild on both sides of his family before Cal was born! haha). 

But now that Cal is crawling around (YAY!!!) and more interactive, the two boys have become buddies! MJ is such a nice cousin to "baby Cal" and Cal loves watching and learning from MJ.

Both boys love bath time, and it's fun to watch them play and splash around in the tub together.

We've been using Dr. Brown's products since Cal and MJ were tiny babies.  We use several of their products every night during bedtime routines.  

We start with brushing their teeth with Dr. Brown's toothbrush + toothpaste. Their toothpaste is all natural and safe to swallow. 

MJ loves using his own toothbrush (and is so cute when he does it, haha). They also have a little finger toothbrush that's perfect for smaller babes getting new teeth in!

We bathe the boys using Dr. Brown's Foaming Bath Wash

. We love that this cleans skin + hair without drying it out, and that it's made of all natural ingredients! It contains natural essential oils, organic aloe vera, calendula and chamomile. It's hypoallergenic, gluten, phthalate, sulfate, petroleum and paraben free. It smells delicious and our boys love the foamy bubbles :)

The last thing we include in our nightly routines with our boys is the Dr. Brown's Daily Diaper Cream.  Regan has been putting this on Cal every. single. night. since he was brand new, and he has never had a diaper rash! Just saying ;) This stuff is good.

We highly recommend all of Dr. Brown's baby care products.  We feel confident using them on our babies, knowing they are safe for their delicate little bodies. 

Thank you Dr. Brown's Baby for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are our own.

Dr. Brown's Baby Skin Care

Just posting a quick PSA to #sharethegoodness that Dr. Brown's has a skin care line that happens to be AMAZING, in case you didn't know :) I just learned about it and have loved using their products on Cal!

I especially love their foaming baby wash. The ingredients are all-natural and made with essential oils. The rosemary and chamomile scents are also super relaxing and perfect for bath time right before bed. 

Is there really anything better in this world than a fresh, clean baby wrapped in a towel?

We are huge Dr. Brown's fans. Read our post on their bottles and Cal's feeding journey here.

Thank you Dr. Brown's Baby for sponsoring this post. All opinions are my own.

Cal's Feeding Journey

Hi guys! It's been a while since I've posted an update on Cal. He's 9 months now (SO crazy to think he'll be ONE in less than 3 months!?!).  He is such a little love.  So full of joy and he has the sweetest, easy-tempered personality.

His followups with doctors and specialists have slowed down, which is good! We were able to cross off a couple of things we were worried about when he was born, and are now just following up with those doctors every 6 months to a year (his kidneys, and blood counts look good!).  He still sees cardiology every couple of months, but things with his little heart have stayed stable.  When he was born his cardiologist thought he would for sure need a valve replacement within the first year of his life.  Now he's saying he thinks we may be able to wait a couple more years because things are looking okay.  More time for Cal to get bigger and stronger and that's what we want!

We still work with a physical therapist quite often since Cal is definitely behind in hitting a lot of his milestones.  He just barely learned to sit up on his own, and we are SO proud of his progress, but still have a long way to go. 

He also has an occupational therapist come work with him because he still has his g-tube. Getting him off the g-tube is currently our biggest goal for him.  He is such a happy, content little boy, but his g-tube seems to be the one thing that bothers him and even causes him pain, I think, sometimes.  If it accidentally gets pulled or rubbed the wrong way, or even when I clean around it sometimes, he gets upset and I just so badly wish he could get it out.  On the bright side, it's helping him get all of the nutrients he needs to grow and develop, and for that, I am grateful.

When he was in the NICU we was only taking about 30% of his full feedings by mouth (bottles with my pumped milk), and the rest was given through his ng tube. We worked with some amazing occupational therapists in the hospital on his feeding.  Both of the therapists we worked with swore by Dr. Brown's Baby bottles.  Not only are Dr. Brown's bottles known for reducing colic, spit-up, burping and gas, they also have different sized nipples for different baby stages to control the flow of the milk. We started Cal out with a premie sized nipple, and moved up to a level two.

Cal never progressed to the point where he was drinking enough to come home from the NICU, so after two months living in a hospital, he ended up getting the g-tube placed so he could come home. 

We've been able to work on feeding him in the comfort of our own home, and still supplement what he needs through his g-tube.  He never really learned to master drinking his full feedings from the bottle, but Dr. Brown's also has some great transitional products for going from bottle to a cup, and  also products for solid food feeding.  Cal has done much better with smooth pureed food than he did with a drinking a bottle, and has learned to drink from the Dr. Brown's Soft Spout Cup.

We are so blessed to have so many amazing baby products out there to help with Cal's feeding journey. Now Cal just needs to learn to love food as much as his mama does so he can get that dang tube out ;)

Thanks for reading! Please let me know if you have any questions on Dr. Brown's baby products or if you have or know anyone who has a baby with a g-tube and have questions about that.

Thanks you Dr. Brown's Baby for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are my own.

Our Cal Pal - 5 Months!

Regan here! It's been a while since I've given an update on my little not so little Cal, and since today he is 5 months old I thought I'd share what's been happening since my last post (read more about Cal herehere, and here).

Cal is SUCH a happy baby, which just makes everything so much better and so fun!  He will smile at anyone and smiles all. the. time. 

His eating has gotten better.  He still has his G-tube, but will usually drink 1-3 ounces from a bottle each time he eats, then we give him the rest through his tube.  

About a month after we  brought him home from the NICU we had his followup appointment with his cardiologist.  We were expecting to have seen improvements, or no changes since we left the NICU, but unfortunately there were a few new developments that were a little worrisome.  His heart echo showed some mitral valve stenosis, as well as pulmonary hypertension. 

The cardiologist recommended we do a sleep study to see if Cal has obstructive sleep apnea, which he guessed was contributing to the hypertension. Cal has a smaller jaw that is a little bit recessed, and the doctors thought maybe his airway was getting blocked because of it.

We did the sleep study, and it turned out Cal does have severe sleep apnea.  His oxygen was frequently dropping and coming back up and they gave us all kinds of numbers that I don't really know the meaning of.  I just know they said it's bad.

(Side note...yes I did have his Owlet monitor on every night and it was never going off, but the doctors said it may just be that his oxygen was dropping and coming back up so quickly that it wasn't picking up.)

So now Cal is on oxygen to help with this.  He is supposed to be on it 24/7 because of the hypertension, but we give him breaks every once in a while during the day (doctor approved). And actually, California is now Cal's favorite place (not surprised) because his cardiologist said we could keep his oxygen off for the most part during the day when we are down there since it's easier to breath at sea level. Maybe we need to move ;)

P.S. Cal's beach outfit from Lulu + Roo is too much for me to handle (heart eyes, heart eyes)

About a week and a half ago Cal underwent a little procedure where they put him under so that they could scope out his airway while he was asleep, and see what was causing the obstruction.  They did a procedure called Supra Glotto Plasty where they trimmed up some extra/floppy tissue inside the airway.  The ENT thinks this will help him a little, but when they were scoping out his airway, they determined it's Cal's tongue falling back into his throat that's causing most of the airway obstruction. Which is a bummer :(

The ENT we've been seeing (who did the procedure) says this is something Cal could possibly grow out of in the future, but we also may consider doing a jaw distraction surgery where they will bring the jaw forward, helping the tongue to come forward as well. This is a pretty invasive surgery and the ENT just isn't sure if it's right for Cal yet.  

Throughout all of this Cal has been such a champ.  He smiles through it all, and continues to surprise us all with how well he's growing and developing in other areas.

He is also followed by a Hematologist, Urologist, and Neurologist, and has monthly visits to our home from an Occupational and Physical Therapist.  We are so grateful for amazing doctors and therapists who have been following Cal closely and making sure he has all of the help he needs to continue growing and developing. 

There are still a lot of unknowns for what the future hold for our sweet Cal.  It would be very unlikely (we've been told) that he won't have at least some degree of mental and physical delays, and we know it's going to be a long road ahead of doctors visits and followups, but we are going to give him every opportunity in the world to reach his full potential.  He has already shown us his strong will to push through every obstacle thrown his way, and we know he'll continue on that same path.

Happy 5 Months buddy, we couldn't love you any more!


I've already mentioned how much I love my DockAtot in this post, but, I've had a couple of friends who have been on the fence about getting one ask me how well I really like it. So I wanted to write up another quick review.  Plus, it seems like some of the cutest pictures I have of Cal are of him in his Dockatot, and I need an excuse to post them ;)

First off, my husband and I do not co-sleep (meaning sleep with Cal in our bed).  At night he sleeps in his Halo Swivel bassinet (which I also love). But the Dockatot is not just for co-sleeping.

Cal naps great in the Dockatot, and it's so nice keeping it right next to my "office" where I work during the day so I can be close to him while he naps.  It's also so convenient to travel with.  We haven't traveled much with Cal yet, but last weekend we went up to Park City to my grandparents condo for the day, and I brought the Dockatot for Cal's naps instead of his pack n' play (which is so much heavier and spacious). It was perfect!

The other thing I love about the Dockatot is that it's great for tummy time! The cushy, breathable bumpers can be positioned under the arms to help develop neck strength and motor skills during tummy time.  

Have I sold you yet?? Ha! 

If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!



Cal's Newborn Pictures with FotoFly

Hi! Regan again :)

If you read my Newborn Baby Essentials post, you know that one of things I think every parent needs to invest in is photos of/with your new little love.  I wasn't able to get Cal's pictures done as a brand new baby since he was in the hospital for the first 8 weeks, but I'm so glad I still decided to get them taken once he came home.

We did them with FotoFly at their SLC City location and I am so in love with how the photos turned out.  I will truly cherish them forever!

We had such a great experience with the photographer there, Max.  Cal was such a good boy and was smiling right on cue and slept through the first images, which was perfect.  Max had some great tricks to get him to wake up and open his eyes when we needed him to and to look right at the camera. 

One of the best parts about working with Fotofly is that they guaruntee you'll have your edited photos back within 24 hours! Also, their prices are pretty unbeatable.  You can do a 60 minute session for $125 and that includes all the edited images emailed to you.

Thank you FotoFly!

Regan's Newborn Baby Essentials

If you haven't heard yet or seen on our Instagram, my sweet little Cal is HOME!!

I am so out of my mind happy and loving life with him home! I am NO baby expert, but wanted to share some of the things that have made life at home with Cal so great.  These are things that I think every new mama needs.


I can't say enough great things about the Dockatot.  Cal sleeps SO well in it.  He sleeps in his Halo Bassinet at night (which I'll share more about below) but naps in his Dockatot.  I love that I can put him up on our bed and not worry about him rolling off, or suffocating because the fabric is breathable and 100% safe for infants. I also love this adorable play yard from Finn & Emma.  It fits perfectly over the dockatot.  Cal is still a little young to play with it, but it sure looks cute out in my living room :)

Little Unicorn Swaddles

These are by far my favorite swaddle blankets.  I got a couple as shower gifts, then I had to go buy myself more because there are so many cute prints.  I need them ALL. They are breathable, soft, nice and big, and just so cute.  They also keep your baby swaddled nice and tight.  Nothing better than a swaddled up burrito baby. haha. When Cal was in the NICU he couldn't always wear clothes because of all the monitors and they were constantly unwrapping him to look at his breathing and poke him or listen to him.  I did bring him a new blanket and hat every day though and always got so many compliments on his Little Unicorn swaddle blankets.


I'm pretty sure the MamRoo is a well-known baby product, but I had to add it in here as one of my baby essentials.  Cal's occupational therapist when he was in the NICU recommended I get one.  Apparently swings are good for babies' brain development.  At the time I didn't have one for him, but I knew I needed one after she told me that and I'm so glad he has it now! I work full time from home, and it's a life saver being able to put Cal in the mamaRoo next to me while I work at my computer. 

Sollybaby Wrap

I always thought these wraps and all the colors they come in were so cute when moms would wear them.  It wasn't until I tried one myself that I realized how amazing and comfortable they are to wear. I love carrying Cal around in it and this is another thing I feel like I need in every color, ha!

Owlet Monitor

This should maybe be at the top of the post, because, really, I think EVERY parent needs one of these. The Owlet is a little sock your baby wears that tracks and allows you to check your baby's heart rate and oxygen levels anytime.  I don't think I'd be able to sleep at night without it! Below is a screenshot from my phone showing what the app looks like.

Halo Bassinet

Paige talked about this in her 2016 baby product review post, and she told me this was by far her #1 favorite baby product, so I knew I needed one for Cal. It really is SO nice that it can sit right up next to your bed and swivels back and forth and side to side. My mom also got Cal this cute mobile that fits on the side of the Halo bassinet and Cal LOVES it :)


There's something about those Soothie pacifiers (the round green ones they give you in the hospital) that babies love. The only problem is a lot of times babies can't keep them in and you're constantly having to hold them in your baby's mouth (at least I was!).  The WubbaNubs are those same Soothie brand pacifiers with a soft stuffed animal attached, that helps weigh the pacifier down and keep it in.  Paige's son, MJ, loved his and Cal does now too!

Fawn Design Bag

These bags are not just for diaper bag use.  They're cute for anyone! But I love all of the pockets for organizing everything I need in my diaper bag.  They come in great neutral colors that go with everything and I love that they can be worn as a backpack!

Fisher Price Bouncer

This is a super simple little bouncer but Cal loves it and it's perfect to keep in my bathroom to put him in while I shower and get ready.

Hands Free Pumping Bra

This is only for those who know they are going to need to pump...a LOT.  I couldn't nurse Cal when he was on IV fluids, and had a hard time nursing him when he was finally able to eat.  He did great with a bottle, and we just wanted to get him home, so I figured I'd practice nursing at home.  Well, now he won't nurse because he's so used to the bottle and getting his food right away, PLUS I don't like not knowing how much he's getting.  Long story short, I am exclusively pumping and bottle feeding now.  And it's a LOT of work. When I finally heard about this bra, I immediately bought it and it has been a game changer.  I pump for 25 minutes each time, and not being able to use my hands for 25 minutes 7-8 times a day is impossible.  

This bra is a life saver.

Baby Pictures

Okay, this is the last thing, and it isn't a baby product, but I definitely think professional newborn baby pictures are something all parents should get.  I'll be sharing a future post soon with all of Cal's pictures, but here's a little preview.  

FotoFly did such an amazing job and we are so glad we got these done! I'll cherish them  forever.

I hope this is helpful for any new moms or moms-to-be! I knew nothing about which products I needed, so I asked around a TON and I'm so glad I did! Being prepared and having everything you need before baby arrives adds so much less stress to the mix when bringing home that new little life.

Thanks for reading!


Cal's Nursery + NICU Update

Putting together Cal's nursery was one of the things I was most excited about and eager to get started on when I found out I was pregnant with him.  I wanted his room to be boy-ish but not too baby-ish to make it easier to transition as he grows and gets older.  I love how it came together.  It's my favorite room in the house!

I got almost everything from Target!  One of my favorite things is this dresser/changing table that looks to me like it could be from Restoration Hardware. Such a great price and really good quality!

The animal prints are from Etsy and the picture frames are from Target. The rugcrib, and lamp are also Target.

Scroll to the end of this post for all the linked details from Cal's nursery as well as the latest update on him. 

Cutest and tiniest pair of moccs from Freshly Picked

I'm so excited to get Cal home and show him his room! 

The number one question I get is, "When do they think you'll be able to bring him home?"  I SO wish I had the answer to that question, but it's so hard to say.  One thing we've learned from Cal being in the NICU is that it's just a huge waiting game and requires a lot of patience and faith.  

We've gone through ups and downs during the last four weeks in the NICU, and we've learned that we just need to trust Cal's doctors and give him the time he needs to get better.  We learned the hard way that we just need to take things slow with him and not push him too hard.  

Right now Cal is still getting respiratory support.  They have slowly started to wean him off a machine called NIPPV.  Once he's on a low enough flow of oxygen we are hoping we'll be able to start feeding him again.  Right now he's getting my breastmilk through his feeding tube (so sad thinking about him having a constant tube down his throat and not being able to taste or eat anything orally!). 

So at this point we will just continue to pray and have have faith that he will continue to get stronger and better.  Thank you again for all of the kind words, thoughts and prayers for our family, and especially for Cal.  Each time we pray for him we also thank God for all the wonderful people we have supporting and praying for us.  I will update again soon!


Our Miracle Boy

On January 11th at 8:15am we welcomed our sweet baby Cal into the world!  He decided to come a few weeks early and it's such a miracle how it all happened.

As I mentioned in a previous post when I announced I was pregnant with Cal, we knew there was a chance he'd be born with some chromosome abnormalities.  We knew it was out of our hands and just felt so blessed that we were even pregnant with him, so every day we just prayed that he would continue to grow and develop into a healthy baby boy.

After a fairly normal and easy labor and delivery, Cal made his debut! He wasn't breathing well on his own and needed respiratory support.  Because we knew he might be born with some abnormalities, we had lots of doctors ready to care for him right when he was born.  A heart echo was one of the things they did right away, and the results came back showing quite a few defects with his little heart.  At that point it was pretty clear he had the unbalanced chromosome translocation, but the microarray test results confirming this would take over a week to get back. 

Over the next few days Cal was showing a lot of improvements and after a follow up heart echo, his cardiologist told us we could pretty much rule out a heart surgery at that point because his heart was functioning normally and doing its job, despite all of the little defects it showed.  What a blessing it was to hear that! 

During the next week as we waited for the chromosome test results we started to get a little bit hopeful that maybe he didn't have the chromosome translocation after all.  He was looking so good and healthy, it was hard to believe there could be anything wrong with our perfect baby boy.

Well, the test results came back and did confirm his unbalanced translocation - a partial trisomy of chromosome 15 and a partial deletion of chromosome 16.  

Because this is so uncommon and there really aren't any known cases of people with this exact genetic condition, we really don't know what this means for Cal or what effects it will have on him in the future. What we do know is that we love him so much and that he is the perfect baby for us.  We know he was meant to come be part of our family and fulfill his purpose here on earth.  

Today marks day 23 in the NICU with Cal.  It's been tough but we are so grateful for the care he's receiving from incredible doctors and nurses and are continuing to pray for his body to heal so that he can come home with us soon.

Thank you for all the love, prayers and support.  I will be posting another update soon!


P.S. The nurses all tell me Cal's the best dressed baby in the NICU so I thought I'd share a few of his outfit details below ;)

Regan's Baby Shower

Last weekend we got to celebrate Regan and her baby boy.  It was the perfect morning visiting with friends and family, and spoiling Regan and her baby. 

We wanted to incorporate the subtle safari theme Regan is doing in baby boy's nursery (coming soon!).  Kristen from Cap + Crown designed the cutest invitations and stationary that went perfectly with the theme (see her designs in the pictures below).  

The shower was in the morning, so we served yummy breakfast foods including our Baked French Toast and Pumpkin Bread in muffin form. The quiche was from our favorite cafe in Park City - always a favorite! And for the guests to take as they left, Noelle from Noelle's Bake Shop made and packaged the most delicious snickerdoodles.  Seriously so yummy! Be sure to check out her shop if you need to order cookies for anything. 

Huge thanks to our sweet friend and favorite photographer Brittni Willie for capturing the morning perfectly.  

We can't wait to meet Regan's baby boy in January! All shower details pictured below :)

Bumpdate: 28 Weeks!

Hi! Regan here :) I am officially in my 3rd trimester, and wanted to share a fun little pregnancy update!

Leggings: Albion Fit (get 15% off through Nov 14th with code SALTYBLONDES)

How Far Along: 28 weeks!

Weight Gain: +23lbs (and I still have almost 12 weeks to go so I'm kind of freaking out, but trying to embrace it)

Sleep: It's getting more and more uncomfortable, but not terrible. I wake up a lot more throughout the night (to go to the bathroom or change positions) and by 10:00 at night I am done for and am usually in bed :)  I also can't sleep in anymore, which is probably a good thing. 

Best Moment This Week: I had my first baby shower down in California! It was so perfect and I got to celebrate baby boy with some of my favorite people! 

Movement: Lots of kicks and moving around. My husband can feel the baby kick now as of the last few weeks and it's the BEST seeing his face when he feels baby move. 

Name?: No name yet! Daniel and I can't agree on any names, so we may be waiting until he comes to decide! Send boy names my way if you have any :)

Food Cravings/Aversions: No aversions. No cravings. I've always had a sweet tooth and that definitely hasn't gone away, but I feel like I've been eating pretty normal my entire pregnancy. 

What I Miss: Running! I ran my half marathon at 20 weeks then took a couple of weeks off from running. A few weeks later I tried to go on a run with Daniel and after a mile I was DONE. I started cramping and just felt too pregnant to be running.  Haha

Stretch Marks: Nope. I haven't been doing anything except lotion-ing up like I always do. 

Belly Button: It's basically an outtie at this point, which is so strange...

Mood: HAPPY! Nervous. Anxious. I couldn't be more grateful to be carrying this little boy, but so worried about him being healthy. On one end I am so content with whatever the Lord has planned for us with this baby, and am prepared for anything, but not knowing also gives me anxiety. 

What I look forward to: Thanksgiving & Christmas! I think the holidays are going to make this last trimester fly by, and then I'll look forward to meeting our baby boy!

Workout Routine: I have been able to workout my entire pregnancy, which has been such a blessing! I started going to a workout group that Sidney's BYU track coach is doing. It is SUCH a good workout. I am sore every time. It's so nice having a group to workout with and Sid's coach is so awesome. It's at 6:30am Mon/Wed/Fri at BYU and is FREE for any of you locals who want to join!

Baby: So far everything has looked normal on ultrasounds with the baby. We have been seeing a Maternal Fetal Medicine doctor since I was about 15 weeks and we LOVE her. I go to her about once a month (now every 3 weeks) and then follow up with my OBGYN who will be delivering. Because my situation is so rare, and there are actually NO recorded cases of babies being born with what our early cell-free DNA test told us our baby has, it's hard to know what to look for. BUT my MFM doctor always looks closely at all the major organs, brain, and for any physical features that might be a sign of a chromosome abnormality, and so far he looks like a healthy baby. At least that means there hopefully aren't any major problems that will require surgeries or anything like that when he's born, and as of right now my delivery plan hasn't changed. We still haven't decided to do an amniocentesis to know for sure if something's wrong, mostly because of the risks, and we just feel like it won't change anything, so we might as well just wait until he's born. We love him so much already and can't wait to meet him!

Tips for Surviving the Third Trimester

Well, Paige here, and I'm officially in my last week of pregnancy! Yay! I feel like I've been pregnant FOREVER and can't wait to finally meet baby boy!

The third trimester can be rough, but I've found a few things along the way to help me enjoy it, and avoid some of those dreaded problems (like stretch marks)! And I wanted to share :) So here are my tips  for surviving, and even sometimes enjoying, the third trimester.

1. Avoiding Stretch Marks:

Forget all those special, expensive shea butter anti stretch mark creams. From what I've heard, none of them work. Throughout my pregnancy I just used Cetaphil on my stomach and the rest of my body daily. If you go to a dermatologist for dry skin that is what they'll tell you to use, so I figured it would work just as well as anything else! I lathered my stomach with it every day, and haven't gotten one stretch mark! Below is a linked picture of the kind I use and just order straight from amazon.

2. Incline walking: 

I stopped feeling comfortable running about half way through my third trimester. My husband suggested slow walking at an incline instead and it's been awesome! I put the treadmill up to a 10 incline and walk at 2.5 for the first 5 minutes, then switch off between 2.5 and 3.5mph every other minute for the last 5 minutes. This sounds super easy, and it is haha. But it's a great way to get moving and get your blood flowing, and get a light workout in :)

3. Lavender essential oil epson salt baths:

Ok, if you live in Utah County you can buy this salt bath mix at Mend Juicery in Riverwoods, and they're amazing! I always lose about a pound after each bath because it helps so much with swelling and getting rid of excess water retention. Just make sure you don't submerge your baby bump all the way in too hot of water! If you're not local, you can easily make  the bath salt mixture yourself if you just google it, or you can also buy them on amazon here.

4. Foot Relax Center:

 Ok, my friend Shontel recently visited from California and introduced me to this place, and I'm just sad I didn't know about it sooner! If you live in Utah and are pregnant (or aren't) this place is a must! For $20 for a half hour or $40 for an hour you get your feet soaked while getting your head, neck and shoulders massaged, then your feet and calves massaged while sitting in a huge comfy chair. It's AMAZING! Especially if you have swollen pregnant feet. I wish I could go very day :) There's one in South Jordan and one in Sandy. Their phone number is 801-234-0566. You're welcome. If you're not local just do a search for foot massage and see what you can find. My friend said she's been to similar places in California!

5. Treat Yo Self:

Buy a few maternity dresses from ASOS and Pink Blush Maternity. It's so hard to feel cute and not like a fat giant bowling ball by the third trimester. None of your clothes fit, and if you're like me, you're legs no longer look cute in pregnant skinny jeans with big flowy tops. ASOS and Pink Blush Maternity are awesome because they have the cutest dresses at great prices! Below are some pictures from my baby shower where I'm wearing one of my favorite dresses from Pink Blush. Find it here. I've also linked some of my favorite ASOS maternity dresses at the bottom of this post!

Hope this is helpful for those of you currently in the same boat as me! 

Mid Pregnancy Update

Paige here - I'm officially half way done with my pregnancy, and wanted to post an update about how things are going so far, what baby gear I have/want, and one of my favorite mid pregnancy outfits!

What I'm loving:

Although pregnancy comes with a whole slew of complaints, let's start with the good :) My favorite thing about being pregnant has been picking out baby gear, and starting to design our nursery! I have a long "wish list" of things I like/want, but there are a few things I'm absolutely in love with and couldn't resist buying pretty early on. So far I have my crib, diaper bag, and the cutest nursing pillow I can't wait to use! :) 

The crib - OK, for the nursery colors I'm going with greys, blues, and white. I absolutely LOVE the cribs at Restoration Hardware, and honestly for a while I wish I had never even seen them because they are so freaking expensive and cuter than anything else out there! If money isn't an issue for you, click on the link above and go get yourself one of those beauties. Just know I will hate you. Anyways, now that I've let those cribs go and remembered I'm not millionaire, Target here I come! I did end up finding a really cute crib I love there, and it looks so cute in my nursery! Not to mention it was a quarter of the price of the RH cribs. Click on the linked pic below to check it out :)

Diaper Bag - When choosing a diaper bag, there were a few things I knew I wanted. It had to be at least somewhat gender neutral in case my husband ever needs to use it. I also wanted a convertible bag that can be both a cross body and a backpack for the same reason (cross body for me, backpack for him). Lastly, of course I wanted it to be cute! This is what I ended up going with, and I couldn't be more happy :) I'm going to be the weird lady carrying around a diaper bag with no kids because I can't wait to use it!

Nursing Pillow - No story with this, just thought it was adorable and matched my nursery colors :)

What I'm hating:

Now for the bad stuff. I had such high hopes for myself when I got pregnant. I saw so many cute bloggers with tiny little legs and cute pregnant bellies and thick luscious hair from pregnancy hormones, and was so excited to look cute like that too :) Well, that was a nice thought for the first couple weeks. First off, idk what the deal is, but my hair is falling OUT in chunks! Everyday. It sucks. I asked the doctor about it, and he said that although most women's hair gets thicker during pregnancy, everyone reacts different to the hormones and some women's hair gets thinner. Well mine is getting way thinner. Hopefully I have some left by the time I give birth! And thank Heaven for extensions :)

 I also have gained a lot of weight. About 20 pounds and I'm only half way done! Most of it has gone to my butt and legs, so my dreams of tiny little skinny jeans with cute flowing maternity tops are over. I would actually rather hide my legs than my belly! My body is weird. Anyways, if any of you pregnant mommas out there are like me, and gaining weight all over instead of just the belly, I'll be sharing some of my favorite flattering outfits throughout this process. For now, here's one of my go-tos. All items are linked at the bottom of this post :)

Top | Pants | Bag (similar) | Shoes | Necklace