
I've already mentioned how much I love my DockAtot in this post, but, I've had a couple of friends who have been on the fence about getting one ask me how well I really like it. So I wanted to write up another quick review.  Plus, it seems like some of the cutest pictures I have of Cal are of him in his Dockatot, and I need an excuse to post them ;)

First off, my husband and I do not co-sleep (meaning sleep with Cal in our bed).  At night he sleeps in his Halo Swivel bassinet (which I also love). But the Dockatot is not just for co-sleeping.

Cal naps great in the Dockatot, and it's so nice keeping it right next to my "office" where I work during the day so I can be close to him while he naps.  It's also so convenient to travel with.  We haven't traveled much with Cal yet, but last weekend we went up to Park City to my grandparents condo for the day, and I brought the Dockatot for Cal's naps instead of his pack n' play (which is so much heavier and spacious). It was perfect!

The other thing I love about the Dockatot is that it's great for tummy time! The cushy, breathable bumpers can be positioned under the arms to help develop neck strength and motor skills during tummy time.  

Have I sold you yet?? Ha! 

If you have any additional questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

