A Friendly Reminder and Cute Outfit Post

Hey guys! Just a simple outfit post coming at ya today :) As we've mentioned in a couple of our instagrams, we took pictures in a bunch of our current favorite outfits recently and are excited to share them with you guys! Fall fashion is the best :) That being said, we kind of feel like outfit posts are so "fake" and we feel kind of annoying doing them at the same time haha.

Liiiike in the picture above for example! Just casually laughing at nothing at all while obviously trying to still pose and look skinny for a picture (insert eye roll emoji).

Sometimes we get annoyed with girls on Instagram trying so hard to look cute, while pushing clothes/products/services on us, and pretending like their lives are perfect. Then we're like...wait, that's kind of us! Oh no!

We're all just trying to feel cute, and be happy aren't we? Nobody is perfect, everybody has problems! It's important to rememeber that COMPARISON IS THE THIEF OF JOY! We hope to inspire you with cute outfit ideas, fun recipes and other things that make us happy :) We DON'T want to try to come off as perfect and we don't want to be annoying, but we also don't want to post pictures of us in real life looking looking like a hot mess! Ha

ANYWAYS, we just thought we'd put that out there because we really needed a reminder for OURSELVES when scrolling through blogs and pretty Instagram accounts. It's hard sometimes to remember to just be inspired by what you see on social media, and not to start comparing yourself to WHO you see on there. We all have trials for a reason to help us learn, grow and be shaped into the person we're meant to be. Although it's so HARD sometimes, let's try to be grateful and look for the meaning, lessons and sometimes even BLESSINGS in our trials instead of feeling down, jealous, and comparing our lives to others. 

Hope you're all having a great week!

Transition to Fall with Madewell

Oh hey! (Insert hand wave emoji). It's been a while since we've done an outfit post! With Fall finally here (or cute outfit season) and Madewell having a big sale this weekend, we thought it was the perfect time!

If we don't say so ourselves, how cute are both of our tops?? :) You can get them both at (you guessed it) Madewell, and they are having a sale through the weekend for 20% off $100 and 30% off $200!

Also, if you STILL haven't gotten yourself a pair of high waisted denim, just trust us and buy some already. They will make your legs look sky high and skinnier than they really are. Need we say anything else?

Paige is wearing a 10" rise from Madewell, but those might be a little TOO high if it's you're first pair. We recommend these if you're getting your first pair :) We've posted about them before, and will definitely be posting about them again. They're our absolute favorite.

Also, Regan's cute watch is from Arvo!

 We love their watches. So elegant and simple :) Scroll to the bottom for links to our whole outfits!

Burgundy Birks

I jumped on the Birkenstock train a couple weeks ago when I saw this cute burgundy pair in a store and I have to say, I GET IT.

Why I waited so long to get a pair of these magical sandals that make you feel like you're walking on clouds...I have no idea.

I will also say, I've seen a few pairs that were little manly looking (sorry not sorry), and I think that made me a little skeptical.  Also the fact that I'm not hipster enough, but let's just pretend I'm a hipster when I wear these, k?

Summer's basically over, but that won't stop me from taking every last chance to wear sandals that I can get before it's boot season (or Ugg season for me) forever. And by forever I mean March 2018 which seems like a VERY long ways away.  Thank you Utah.

This burgundy color makes these Birks the perfect transition from sandals to fall booties and I am in love! Scroll down for all outfit details, including my baseball hat that matches perfectly. 

Side note: my husband won't let me rock any team EXCEPT for San Diego, so that means I've made it my goal to own this hat in every color - find them all below.  San Diego fans, you're welcome.


Hi! Regan here :) Happy November! Halloween was great and all, but bring on Thanksgiving & Christmas season! I do love my fall decorations though - and I'm definitely a "it's not Christmas until the turkey's been eaten" kind of a girl, so you won't see Christmas decor in my house until November 27th ;-) However, that's not to say I'm too stubborn to listen to the occasional Christmas song. You better believe I had Justin Bieber Christmas station blasting on our 9 hour drive home from CA last weekend ;-)

I'm also so excited it's November because my husband and I break ground on our very first home this month!! I will be sure to post a few updates of the building process along the way. We are so excited! But for now....here's a little fall fashion inspo for you featuring my new favorite plaid blouse <3 All outfit details are directly linked at the bottom of this post.

Top | Denim | Shoes | Bag | Hat (50% off!) | Glasses | Necklace (similar) Earrings | Lips (MAC 'Vino ' with 'Rebel')