Transition to Fall with Madewell

Oh hey! (Insert hand wave emoji). It's been a while since we've done an outfit post! With Fall finally here (or cute outfit season) and Madewell having a big sale this weekend, we thought it was the perfect time!

If we don't say so ourselves, how cute are both of our tops?? :) You can get them both at (you guessed it) Madewell, and they are having a sale through the weekend for 20% off $100 and 30% off $200!

Also, if you STILL haven't gotten yourself a pair of high waisted denim, just trust us and buy some already. They will make your legs look sky high and skinnier than they really are. Need we say anything else?

Paige is wearing a 10" rise from Madewell, but those might be a little TOO high if it's you're first pair. We recommend these if you're getting your first pair :) We've posted about them before, and will definitely be posting about them again. They're our absolute favorite.

Also, Regan's cute watch is from Arvo!

 We love their watches. So elegant and simple :) Scroll to the bottom for links to our whole outfits!