Toddler Morning Routines w/Dr. Browns

Ok guys, you KNOW how much we love our Dr. Browns products! They are the ONLY bottles we used with our little ones, and now that MJ is a full blown toddler (insert crying emoji) I (Paige) have moved onto their big boy feeding products and my new favorite things from them...their toothpaste and toothbrush!

Seriously they are so much better than anything else on the market! Their toothbrush is adorable which you can see above, and their toothpaste is safe, all natural and tastes and smells delicious :) MJ LOVES when it's time to brush his teeth every morning, and it's made our morning routine so much easier!

I used to have a hard time getting him to sit still while I did his hair, but now that he loves brushing his teeth I brush them for him first, them let him hold the toothbrush and do it himself while I do his hair! It's seriously made my life so much easier, and his hair look so much better! Haha. The only tough part now is getting him to give the toothbrush back to me when I'm all done because he loves the taste of the toothpaste so much!

Find their toothpaste AND toothbrush here for $7! And guys, we did collaborate with them on this post, but EVERYTHING we've said is 100% true and our own opinion!

Lastly, one more tip on getting your toddlers hair to look good! I've LOVED this new cut MJ has because it's so easy! I just sweep it all to one side and pop the front up using my new favorite hair product for boys which I stole from my husband :) Find it here. Just take a SMALL amount in your hand (a little goes a long way) and work it through their hair dry or wet! It will make it look thicker and style it perfectly without looking stiff! I mean look at this doo haha...