Forgiving Beach Dresses

Are we the only ones who save a loose, flowy beach dress or two for the last couple days of vaca? I usually will be looking pretty good at the beginning of a vacation because I've been preparing with eating clean and working out, but who wants to eat clean on vacation?? By the last few days the burgers, shakes and fries are usually starting to show and it's nice to swap out the mom shorts and crop tops for flowy, forgiving dresses :) We've linked our favorites at the bottom of this post!

These pics were taken on the last day of our Bear Lake trip over the 4th of July holiday weekend! We LOVE Bear Lake so much and will be sharing a post soon with more pictures from the trip, and our guide to traveling to Bear Lake with our favorite things to do, where to stay, the best places to eat and the best time to go! Stay tuned!

Paige: Dress Regan: Dress